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Fortnite Refunds Are Now Easier Thanks To New Update

Getting a refund in Fortnite is now easier than it's ever been. If you're dissatisfied with your Item Shop purchase, you'll no longer be limited to a finite number of lifetime refunds, but rather a refreshing number of refund requests you can place every year. Here's all you need to know about new Fortnite refund tickets.

Fortnite refund tickets are now available up to three times per year, and each one refreshes individually in your account 365 days after it was used. Each refund request must also be placed on an item you purchased within the last 30 days. Previously, all players had only a set number of lifetime requests they could use per account, so if you hit your limit, you'd be stuck with every purchase made thereafter. With today's changes, you can receive up to three refunds per year, every year, forever.

No longer feeling a particular skin? You can get your monkey, er, money back.
No longer feeling a particular skin? You can get your monkey, er, money back.

Refunds apply only to Item Shop cosmetics, so they remain unavailable for battle passes, battle pass levels, and loot llamas within Save The World mode. Still, it's good to know that you're not stuck with a skin you've changed your mind about--just be sure to get in your request within that first month after your purchase. Refunds will also always come in the form of V-Bucks, not your local currency, so you'll still want to find something else to buy or gift in the future.

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