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New World Server Merges Are "On The Horizon", Amazon Says

Following a period of free server transfers, Amazon Game Studios says server merges will be coming to New World in the future.

The news comes via a reply from Amazon Games developer Kay in response to a topic on the game's official forums on the subject of low population servers and the need for server merges. As the user who started the topic points out, much of New World's endgame content relies on other players, whether it's for the faction vs. faction Wars, the Outpost Rush battleground, or elite farming runs. That makes it extremely challenging for players on very low population servers to actually, well, play the game.

"Hey there, world merges are on the horizon, but require additional scale testing before we are confident enough to use the tech on the live worlds," Kay writes on the game's forums. "As you can imagine given the first few rocky weeks, we are using an over abundance of caution here. Keep an eye out in the official news area for an update from our Community Managers on this in the near future."

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