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Ubisoft Details New Rainbow Six Siege Season Operation Brutal Swarm

Rainbow Six Siege's latest season, Brutal Swarm, has just been unveiled by Ubisoft and there's a lot of news to parse through beginning with a new operator.

Grim, the newest addition to Siege's ever-expanding roster, hails from Singapore and joins the game as an Attacker. He brings with him the Kawan Hive Launcher, an over-the-shoulder launcher that sends out a swarm of bee-shaped nanobots that mark whoever walks through them. The canister they come in will stick to the surface it's launched at, and if you're tagged by Grim's swarm, the Attackers will be able to track you. Grim will also be a high speed, low health attacker (colloquially known as a "three-speed, one-health" operator), and because of that build, he'll be packing the 552 Commando assault rifle as well as the SG-CQB shotgun for primary options.

Attackers throughout the game will also be able to take advantage of the new Impact EMP Grenade, which will give them further quick options for disabling enemy gadgets in what might otherwise be one-sided situations. The operators that will be able to use it are:

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