Meg Foster, the actress who played Evil-Lyn in the 1987 cult classic Masters of the Universe live-action movie, is returning to Eternia once again. Foster has joined Netflix’s Masters of the Universe: Revolution animated series, taking on the role of Motherboard, a character hinted at in the first season.
In the first series, called Masters of the Universe: Revelations, Motherboard was the figure that Trap-Jaw and Triclops prayed to when we found them years later. The character is described as an "ancient sorceress of technology" that also has ties to another He-Man big bad, Hordak.
"My part in Masters of the Universe more than 35 years ago remains one of my most cherished roles," Foster said in a statement. "I am both thrilled and honored to come back into the fold to embody a brilliant, all-new villainous character that adds color to the vibrant storytelling that Kevin Smith and Mattel have brought to life for fans around the world."
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